Reporting PDUs

PMI members must earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) to keep their credential in good standing. The Ireland Chapter hosts many events throughout the year that offer PDUs for our membership. Attending Ireland Chapter events is the easiest and most cost effective way of maintaining your credentials.

Automatic Reporting of PDUs for Members

Where possible, the Ireland Chapter of PMI will report PDUs for the events that it hosts. To qualify for automatic PDU registration, the member must register for an event via the Events Page and must attend the live webinar event and/or sign the attendance sheet at an "in-person" event. We aim to report PDUs on your behalf within 3 weeks of the event. Automatic registration is not available for non-members. 


Self Reporting of PDUs

For non-chapter activities, you will need to report the PDUs yourself:

  1. Log in to the Continuing Certification Requirements System on the PMI Global website.

  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click on 'PDUs' dropdown and select 'Report PDUs'.

  3. Perform necessary steps to claim your PDUs, providing information as requested.  Specific information for each Ireland Chapter event type follows.

  4. PMI Customer Care will notify you of receipt of your report within a few minutes via the preferred e-mail address in your PMI profile. 

Guide to Certification Requirements

Visit PMI - How to Maintain Your Certification for the latest information.

Troubleshooting & Technical Support

If you encounter problems logging your volunteer hours, please contact the director of Professional Development.